Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Aren't We All Apple-Pickers, After All?

For the speaker of 'After Apple-Picking' by Robert Frost, life revolves around the harvest. The apple trees he is dependent on are dependent on the seasons. So he must pick with the changes natures.

He has a great desire to make a good harvest, but as he descends the ladder pointed towards heaven after apple-picking, he sees what little he truly has achieved during the season: the barrels that are left to be filled, and apples left unpicked. When he dreams, the apple-picking is never ending. In nature, winter is the end of the year, the time of rest. As he approaches the end of his apple-picking season, and the beginning of winter, he fears what type of rest awaits him.

1 comment:

Kent said...


This is pretty straight forward response, but very adequate and well written. I do like the idea of apples representing our "hoard" in life. If you don't like Frost, don't worry-- he can be dry. Some of his dramatic poems have more action, more tension.